
Dr. Bruce Waltke, a global scholar of the Old Testament, successfully held his first seminars in Korea surrounded by hundreds of people and pastors despite the scorching weather of August. After completing the very first seminars in Korea, he is scheduled to leave for the United States on this coming 14th. It is heard that on 13th, he expressed much heart-warming interest in the division of Korea and visited its symbolical places- the Joint Security Area and the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) near Panmunjom.




Dr. Bruce Waltke came to Korea on 7th, conducted seminars on the chapter 4 and 22 of Psalms on 8th at Yeoju Pyungkang Cheil Institute. On 11th, he looked into the chapter 8 and 51 of Psalms at Pyungkang Cheil church.


He displayed his distinctive expertise of reasoning based on the original language of the Bible and the Bible in Hebrew. As a global scholar, he clearly explained that the situations shown in Psalms and those of Jesus Christ are, in fact, in parallel, and that the situations of current generation are as well applicable to them.






Dr. Bruce Waltke’s visit to Korea was due to The History of Redemption Series by Reverend Abraham Park, who earned the degree of Doctor of Theology from Knox Theological Seminary. It is said that after reading his books, Dr. Waltke wanted to see for himself Rev. Abraham Park’s ministry and the place of his ministry. The fact that Dr. Waltke’s visit was motivated by Rev. Abraham Park is noteworthy because in Korea ,on the contrary, he confronts many accusations from the Christian community.







source - http://www.unionpress.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=217040

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