Vol.1 The Genesis Genealogies
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Genealogy is where the past and the future meet and communicate. Therein lies not only "the days of old and the years of all generations" (Deuteronomy 32:7) that Moses declared but also the process of Messiah's Birth prophesied as "woman's seed" (Genesis 3:15), and God's work of salvation. Among the numerous genealogies of the Bible, the genealogies in Genesis are particularly distinguished by their powerful revelatory nature. Thus it is hard to say that one comprehends God's work of salvation without understanding them.

The Genesis Genealogy is a product of the author's 50 years of ministry and Bible study. It is also written in a way that is easy for anyone to understand God's work of salvation that is present in the genealogies but prone to be overlooked while reading the Bible. Based on the devotional lives of people recorded in the genealogies, The Genesis Genealogy serves as a good guide to grasp the marvelous redemptive adminstration of God.

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