
2013 Summer Conference on August 8th (The Day 4)- The afternoon lecture


Let us become the people of God that will fulfill God's eternally uchanging covenant(2Sam 23:5, Ps 105:8-10, Ats 13:22)






Prayers at Bedtime

(ps 4:1-8)



Translating the Bible is a formidable task that one cannot begin without first having a good mastery of theology and the original language of the Bible. Despite this fact, Dr. Bruce Waltke opened the afternoon sermon with another humble statement that he is considered by his daughter to be capable of translating the Bible only. In the course of explicating the original language of the Bible, which could be difficult and challenging to the lay, Dr. Waltke displayed his wits and at times appealed to emotion.






David's plead was due to the drought.


As in the case of the Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 4:8) who was ' hard pressed on every side,' we might not be an exception to such difficult and dismal times. The songs of Psalms give a relief to all of those who are in anguish and grief. Dr. Waltke went on providing several reasons for the claim that the drought was the cause of David's plead.



1. First, the Hebrew word for the word 'secret, shameful' (NIV) in Psalms 4:2 is כָּזַב (kāzab).


The word kāzab symbolizes false gods and foreign gods. Therefore, Psalms 4:2 can be interpreted, Dr. Waltke stated, "Why do you seek false gods, that is the foreign gods?“


2. Second, the Hebrew word for the word "good" (Psalms 4:6) is 'טוֹב' (Tob)


In those days, tob was commonly used to describe the rain. For example, "good" (Jeremiah 5: 25) refers to "autumn and spring rains" (Jeremiah 5:24). In addition, the phrases of "righteousness down from heaven" (Psalms 85: 11) and "the Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest" (Psalms 85:12) both indicate that “good” is associated with the rain.



3. Third, David's pleading prayer to God


“Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound"(Psalms 4:7). This implies that King David was praying desperately, only to receive no answer from God when there was no rain and retainers who used to support King David. Given that kings in the Ancient Near East are deified, such a problem could have a significant impact on the beliefs of the Israel.


Then, we will see what are the four truths we should bear in mind when we are receiving no answers in the times of suffering.


First, God is "righteous": He gives us all the right things we need.

'Righteousness' is a word that refers to God, and it also refers to 'having a proper behavior to one another.' God and we are linked by a covenant. Therefore, the right things and necessary things that God gives us are 'righteous.' The righteous God would never turn His back against His own sons whom He calls as His delight. Thus, whatever perilous situation you are facing, we should believe that God never leaves us.








Second, who is the righteous king who always stays with us and takes care of us?


King David was very confident that he would become a king by the message delivered by Prophet Samuel. In other words, David received the Word of God and His Holy Spirit to serve God's work. Jesus Christ also began proclaiming the Word of God after He received the Holy Spirit or the Word of God when He was baptized by John the Baptist.

Like this, we should clearly understand who is it that builds His churches even at this moment and continues to carry out His plans.


Third, the consequences of not following the Word of God are grave and can be terrifying. Hear the sound of a guilty conscience given by God.


It is when we understand the Word of God and be afraid of him that we avoid sins. Moreover, we can be more honest with ourselves and more attentive of what the conscience, which is given by God, speaks out to us. If we leave Jesus Christ, then the conscience will purify us. If we remain faithful to the Lord, our consciences will tell us what is right.


Fourth, understand that we can perform the right things conscientiously only in faith. Offer the righteous sacrifices and ask God.

"The sacrifices of the righteous" (Psalms 4:5) do not only mean a righteous sacrifice but also mean the sacrifices done by the righteous, that is also to say the sacrifice Jesus Christ made was righteous. For us, it could also mean we should become a righteous person so that we can make a proper offering. If we read Psalms 4:7 again, it can be interpreted that after getting your answer to my prayer, "Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.”


As David ends the chapter 4 of Psalms, he fell asleep. In the last verse of 8, he says "in peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety." However, it still did not rain at the time. But remembering the four truths, David could fall asleep in a strong conviction that he would still be safe from the dismal situation. I hope everyone believes in God, depends on Him and believes that He would save us whatever economic, social, health-related troubles befall us.





Dr. Bruce Waltke's sermon was a precious gift and weapon that the congregation of Pyungkang Cheil Church could utilize to surmount all the sufferings they might face in the future. The four truths would lead them, hopefully, to experience the great power of God just as David did to overcome the hardships. 

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