2016.10.31 13:01
이삭 136-156세, 야곱 76-96세
(1) 밧단아람에서 얻은 네 아내와 11남 1녀(창 29:15-30:24)
야곱은 브엘세바에서부터 어림잡아 682km를 이동하여 밧단아람에 도착하였습니다. 야곱은 밧단아람으로 떠나려 할 때 모친 리브가의 말대로 “형의 노가 풀리기까지 몇 날 동안”(창 27:44) 잠시 머물려 했는데, 실제로는 20년간이나 있었습니다. 밧단아람은 야곱의 일생 노정 17장소 가운데 다섯 번째입니다. 야곱이 떠날 때 이삭은 “너는 가나안 사람의 딸들 중에서 아내를 취하지 말고 일어나 밧단아람으로 가서 너의 외조부 브두엘 집에 이르러 거기서 너의 외삼촌 라반의 딸 중에서 아내를 취하라”(창 28:2-3)라고 당부하였습니다. 밧단아람의 20년 노정은 언약의 상속자로서 아내들을 얻고 그 아내들을 통해 자식들을 얻는 시간이었습니다(호 12:12).
‘라반’은 ‘흰 빛’이란 뜻으로, 아람 사람 브두엘의 아들이며, 이삭의 아내 리브가의 오라비요, 아브라함의 동생 나홀의 손자입니다(창 11:27-29, 22:23, 24:15, 28:2, 5, 29:12). 야곱은 76세에 삼촌 라반의 집으로 가서 7년간 봉사하였고, 그 대가로 먼저 레아를 얻고, 또다시 7년을 더 봉사할 것을 조건으로 7일 후에 사랑하는 라헬을 아내로 맞았습니다(창 29:18-30).
그러므로 야곱이 장가간 때는 그의 나이 83세 때로 주전 1923년, 횃불 언약 159년째입니다(창 31:41, 29-30장). 이러한 계산에 의하면 야곱은 젊은 청년 때를 한참 지나 너무도 늙은 나이에 장가를 간 것입니다. 야곱은 형 에서보다 무려 43년이나 결혼이 늦었습니다. 이삭이 40세에 결혼했고(창 25:20), 에서가 40세에 결혼한(창 26:34)것만 보아도 그 시기가 매우 늦었음을 알 수 있습니다.
야곱은 7년간 더 봉사하면서 레아, 라헬, 빌하, 실바라는 네 아내를 통하여 베냐민을 제외한 11남 1녀의 자식을 얻게 됩니다. 밧단아람에서 낳은 야곱의 자식들을, 그 어머니의 계보를 따라 그 낳은 순서와 뜻을 정리하면 다음과 같습니다.
박윤식 목사, “잊어버렸던 만남” (휘선, 2016), 160-161쪽 中
Jacob's 20 Years of Refuge(Gen 29-31),
1930-1910 BC, 152nd through 172nd Year of the Covenant of the Torch
Isaac's age, 136-156; Jacob's age, 76-96
Jacob was full of expectation after he had received the great blessing and the covenant at Luz. However, contrary to his expectations, he was treated worse than a servant in his uncle Laban's house. He entered Laban's house at the age of 76, labored for Laban for seven years, and was given Leah as wife. Jacob also took Rachel, whom he loved, as his wife with the condition that he would work an additional seven years for Laban (Gen 29:18, 27).
Jacob was 83 years old when he got married in 1923 BC, the one hundred and fifty-ninth year of the covenant of the torch (Gen 29-30; 31:41). According to these calculations, Jacob was married at an old age-after much of his youth had past-43 years later than his brother Esau. Both Isaac and Es며 were married at the age of 40 (Gen 25:20; 26:34).
During the seven years of additional labor, Jacob obtained 11 sons (excluding Benjamin) and one daughter through his wives Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah. During the seven years, Leah gave birth to six sons and one daughter. Thus, assuming that she gave birth to one child each year, she had Dinah on the fourteenth year of Jacob's stay in Haran (first seven years + second seven years). Since it was not too long after this time that Rachel gave birth to Joseph, it tis highly possible that Dinah and Joseph were the same age (Gen 30:21-24).
Even after the birth of his eleventh son, Joseph, Jacob labored another six years for his uncle Laban's flock (Gen 30:25-31; 31:41). Genesis 31:40 states, "Thus I was: by day the heat consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep fled from my eyes." The Hebrew word for heat in this verse is horeb, which refers to the ground-cracking heat of a drought, and the word for frost is qerah, which refers to water-freezing coldness. Jacob endured such heat and cold without rest in order to watch over Laban's flock. Yet, Laban, his uncle and father-in-law, changed his wages ten times (Gen 31:7, 41).
Even at an old age(from the age of 76 to 96), Jacob lived for 20 years in Laban's house, where he was treated as if he were less than a human being and suffered indignity (Gen 31:40-42). He endured the trials of "the rod of men and the strokes of the sons of men" (2 Sam 7:14). It was the Word of God that gave him the strength to endure the 20 years of affliction: "And behold, I am with you, and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you" (Gen 28:15).
The angel of the Lord appeared to Jacob to comfort him and to fill him with hope, saying, "for I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you. I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar, where you made a vow to Me; now arise, leave this land, and return to the land of your birth" (Gen 31:12-13).
The God of Jacob is our God today. He sees all of our sufferings and keeps an account to wipe away our tears and repay us according to our labor.
Here, God revealed Himself to Jacob as the God of Bethel (Gen 31:13), the same God who gave him the covenant of the ladder 20 years before, promising him descendants like the dust of the earth and guaranteeing his return to Canaan (Gen 28:13-15).
Through the God of Bethel, Jacob came to realize that the misunderstandings and injustice that he suffered under the hands of Laban and even the length of the period of suffered were part of God's sovereign will. He realized that the time had come for him to return to the land of Canaan.
when Jacob left Canaan at the age of 76, he was like a fugitive on the run; but now at the age of 96, he was returning as the head of a large clan that included four wives, 12 sons, and exceedingly great wealth (Gen 30:43; 31:1).
The flow of God's work of salvation, which had been passed down from Abraham to Isaac, appeared to have halted with Jacob's departure from the Promised Land, but this was not the case. In fact, not only did God give Jacob 12 sons so that they might become the foundation for the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel, but He also called Jacob back to Canaan so that the flow of the work of salvation would continue ever so vigorously.